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  • John DiBartolomeo

Podcasts - 3/17/21

Updated: Mar 27, 2021

Back from the Gatornationals. Happy to report the stands were full making it look just like a normal Gatornationals. That race has always been a destination race, one where northerners, tired of the miserable winter, plan to escape and get some warmth. And warmth we got. Temps in the 80s and blue skies greeted the packed house.

Earlier in the year, I had the thought we could be in for another tough year. But seeing the crowds in Gainesville has me rethinking that idea. Couple it with the states which are now opening up, we could be just growing tired of the… I’m not even going to say it… no, it’s pretty promising.

The weather was pretty standard Florida. I was in town for the Baby Gators (yeah, I still don’t like that name but…) where non-standard Florida weather had my motorhome heater on for a couple of nights. But as the saying goes, “If you don’t like the weather in Florida, wait a couple of minutes, it’ll change.” And it did, thankfully. I really didn’t come to Florida for temps in the 40s, but it still beat Pennsylvania.

Now let’s all go on with our lives.

I spoke in a story several months ago. But the facts are the same now. When it comes to technology in our world, it might be described in the same fashion as how the Gregorian calendar terms dates as BC (Before Christ) and AD (anno Domino, Latin for “in the year of the Lord). Only in technology’s case it could be Bi and Ai (Before iPod and After iPod).

Of course, in today’s world we have “things” called podcasts, which are in most cases, live talk shows, if you will. Back when I penned that first story, my attempt was to supply you with a list of drag race-related podcasts, but as I said then, the list changes almost daily as more people attempt to get in on the act, bringing you their thoughts on the sport.

In 2018, Apple confirmed there were over 550,000 different podcasts. Recent research as of January of this year showed there were now 1.7 million podcasts. That’s how quickly the industry is growing.

NHRA Insider’s Brian Lohnes said in our article, “It’s almost like the wild west days. Everyone seems to be getting in on it. There seems to be this massive pool of people who are just clamoring for something more than just radio. It’s as simple as pick and listen to what you want.”

I’ve been fortunate to be featured on a number of those podcasts and it’s a pretty good way to get a message across rather than simply reading something. Although I’m always happy to receive e-mails following the release of my Blog every week. I still believe in the printed word, but these podcasts are taking the printed word to another level.

Streetway Media and Top Sportsman racer Don O’Neal called to bring attention to his new You Tube show “This Week In Drag Racing.” I’ve always tried to highlight racers in our print magazine, racers rather than just their cars. Yes, the cars are cool, but the real story are the owners. This Week In Drag Racing does that in the same light, only in a video format. And there are several other podcasts and other “Live” shows which do much of the same.

It’s just another one of those things that are changing in our world. I hate to bring up something I’ve written about in the past, but a couple of weeks ago I spoke of change, one of those inevitable realities of life. I’m not sure too many people enjoy change, but we do have to embrace it or have change pass us right on by. There are some things which are changing in my world which I’m not happy to have to be dealing with right now, but as the saying goes, “It is what it is.”

Thank God we’re back racing. Oh yeah, how was my racing trip to Florida? Not good, let’s just leave it at that. I guess I’ll need some “change” in that regard too.

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